Monday, September 7, 2009

One Long Night


Hence, why I am awake at four in the morning. よじです。


Both could apply.


This means that classes are even tougher than freshman year (which was hell on earth for me).
To be fair though, it also means I get to take more enjoyable classes, like Discrete Mathematics.


Which means that my options for watching cable are crap, crap, and more crap.
I don't know what's worse, reality tv in America, or those crazy variety shows in Japan.

I'm dead tired and at the edges of sanity. So I needed some Cowboy Bebop music. Maybe the song can help others keep their cool.


  1. I agree the reality shows now are just getting trashy and are a waste of money for any network. I loved the video too.

  2. Discrete math is enjoyable? :p I admit, I like the actual class, but the homework... not so much. It's hard :(

  3. Haha I know what you mean with the music. I always listen whenever I'm doing homework.

  4. Yo Twan!


    Sorry for the comment on an old post, but this one was pretty interesting to me.

    ながいよるですね。I get those a lot too. I try to shift my sleeping earlier, but I keep going to bed at awful hours. けさしちじにねました。つかれた。

    Hope classes are going well for you. I took discrete last year, and didn't particularly like or dislike it. Hopefully you'll find it more enjoyable than I did.

    Cowboy Bebop music is great. I really like Tank And Rush. I need to get around to watching the series...

    Well, take care! じゃまた~
